Thursday, October 25, 2012

A Surprise, A Smile and some Sleeping

On Monday, my former team at Dave Ramsey celebrated the fact that our leader, Heath, had been with the company for 10 years.  They invited Houston and I to come celebrate with them! It was a surprise for Heath, so we had to get there early and hide in the dark for the surprise. I put us near the door just in case while people were speaking during the "program" we could sneak out if Houston started to get loud. I didn't think about the fact that we'd be closest to the door for the surprise and that in order to surprise Heath, we'd have to be QUIET in the dark until he came in.  When he arrived, they yelled to the room that he was coming and shut off the lights. About 30-ish people were standing quietly waiting for Heath and Houston decides that's the perfect time to start grunting!!  I tried to shove the paci further into his mouth and luckily he didn't cry (or get louder) and ruin the surprise. He pretty much slept for the rest of the party. A few girls passed him around at the end-- here he is hanging out with Ashlye (aka newly engaged/aka future Mrs. Underwood).

Houston is thinking "Give me a buddy to play with!!"
(but not until after next October!)

 I  ALMOST captured a full-blown smile...
I will keep working on this.
For now, this is a pretty good smirk though!

This week we have been working on established nap times. Previously we have been on a 3-hour feeding schedule and then he just hangs out with us in between. And, this means, mostly his naps have been in someone's arms. I wanted to go ahead and work on him napping alone sometimes so we don't create a bad habit that is hard to break in a few months!  The first time we put him in his nursery to nap I pretty much stared at the baby monitor the whole time. I know that's overkill, but I just wanted to make sure he didn't need me! ha! We've been staying consitant this week and he's doing pretty well. I'll feed him and then we'll play for a little while. Once he starts to yawn or get fussy, I'll swaddle him and take him in the nursery to rock. I'll rock him until he's mostly asleep then lay him down. At this point, he's doing pretty well to lay there and fall asleep... I usually have to pop the paci back in his mouth a few times before he konks out... but I'm so proud! He's usually taking 3 naps in his nursey per day. Over-all I think with a more established schedule he's happier... less fussy and seems better rested. Especially at night time, he used to be kind of fussy and it was ALWAYS right when we were trying to eat dinner. Now, he's usually finishing up his last nap around 5 or so and is either alert and happy when we are eating... or dozing! Also since we've started this schedule, he seems to be sleeping better at night. It doesn't take as long to settle him down and he's sleeping for longer stretches. Last night his first stretch was actually a little over 5.5 hours! So proud of my lil' man! :)
Me watching him in the monitor during his first nap....

Moore Family Visit and a few other things

Some of Matt's family came to visit this past weekend. On Friday afternoon, we took a trip to Ladd Farm & met part of my family for some fall fun! They have the largest petting zoo in Tennessee (or at least that's what their website said!)

Here are some of the furry friends....

While going through the petting zoo, we had little baggies of food for the animals. So, they were VERY friendly and would nose around to see if you'd feed them. This Alpaca was super friendly & was nibbling on our hair. Dad is in the picture because he said, "Here! I'll hold it's neck so it can't get you!"

I'm not QUITE sure that this is "approved" Alpaca handling technique.

Spoiler Alert: The Gorin Christmas Card Photo

They had a bunch of wooden cut-outs for pictures.
I just love sweet Sadie in this one!

They had a big slide that was all greased up and you slid down on potato sacks. This video is of me and Linz sliding... I have another one of Linz, Mom, and Sadie, but for some reason it won't work! I will have to figure that out because mom screams the whole way down and I love it! :)

We did the corn maze with Matt's family.  Here's a shot of our new family of 3 :)Houston wasn't much help in the maze... I guess it's kind of hard to navigate while riding backwards (& asleep)... maybe next year!
Matt and Houston feeding the goats. Some of them were fainting goats! (if you don't know what a fainting goat is, please look it up on YouTube immediately) But evidently, once they are older they don't faint very often. There were some baby fainting goats in the pens, but they were with ducks and the ducks kept being aggressive to get the food and we didn't get to see the babies close up! For the record, I used hand sanitizer AND washed my hands a few times each before touching Houston... I didn't want him to get "goat/alpaca/pig/duck germs"

Linz, Me, Sarah, and Drew before the slide

The Moore & Plumblees :)

Cute Faces

So, now that Houston is getting a little older, he's keeping me very entertained with all of his new facial expressions.... here is just a bit of the cute-ness I get to hang-out with all day long...

1st Legit Tummy Time....


I see this face a lot-- this is when he's looking at you very intently trying to figure things out.
(Look at those chubby little hands!!)

Also, please note the difference in his face between last week (above) and this week. He's changing SO fast!
I love his new skills and personality, but I can't believe how FAST this is going!!

He is starting to smile more and more... I'm always too slow to catch the FULL smile, but here's the tail end of one hiding behind a paci. He was doing tummy time and I noticed the back of his hair was kind of tangly, so I grabbed our little brush and was going to brush the back of his head while I could. Evidently it tickled (or maybe he just liked the feeling) but he was grinning from ear to ear! Everytime I'd do a swipe with the brush he would smile!

Today, Matt called to check-in. Houston was playing on his play mat and all of a sudden broke out into the BIGGEST smile and actually GIGGLED! It was absolutely THE cutest thing I've ever seen. I think he's cute no matter what he's doing, but to see a big grin on his face with those dimples and to hear his little voice giggle- my heart absolutely melted!

Most of the time this kid LOVES his paci... sometimes, though, he decides he does not want it. And, when you try to give it to him and he is uninterested, you will see this face...

 Houston's new hobby is fan watching. He gets very still and will lay there for a LONG time just watching. It's funny when he picks up these new things because he will get still all of a sudden, and I have to figure out what he's doing! Keeping Mama on her toes already!

Mimi came to babysit this while I went to get a haircut.
 I thought he looked cute dangling here so I had to get a pic :)

We broke out his play matt with toys that dangle for him to punch and kick. It also has a mirror that straps to one of the bars overhead. This was the first time we were playing with it and he caught himself in the mirror. He got SO still and just looked at himself for the LONGEST time!
 I think he must be thinking,
"Hey, who is that good lookin' baby!"

 And, lastly, we took our first trip to Publix today to grab a few things! I've been without him since he's been born, but this was our first time together. I think he really liked checking everything & everybody out... and I made sure to do the self-checkout because I didn't want anybody touching him! ha!

Sunday, October 14, 2012

More Firsts & A Few Cute Pics

Houston is officially a month old. I didn't get my act together in time to get a cute chalkboard or month by month onesies... but here is his "official" one month picture. He was too busy looking out the window to look at me, but I think he looks adorable here! Some iron-on month by month onesies have been ordered off Etsy, so stay tuned for the month #2 pic!

 Cute duck baby after a bath. I just love to snuggle him after he's just been bathed, he smells SO good! Plus, he's super cute in his ducky towel!

My cute side-kick before we left for Hobby Lobby to get some fall-ish stuff for our house! I'm not sure if his eyes will stay blue or not, but I think he looks adorable here with those blue eyes in that blue outfit!  Matt picked out the paci, can you tell?

This was my view for the majority of the trip... such a sweet boy!

Houston had his first restaurant experience on Friday night! We went to a Mexican place called Garcias. If he is going to be his mother's child he will need to learn to love Mexican food of all kinds, so I figured better to start him early! As soon as our food arrived, he started to get restless so of COURSE MiMi offered to hold and bounce him while we all ate!

She wasn't really concerned with the food left on her plate. The pic is a little bit blurry from the bouncing!:)

 After we finished eating, we still had a few minutes to kill before the next feeding, so we stopped in to Home Depot!

Helping Dad pick out some Weed & Feed... then we picked out a big, medium, and small pumpkin for the porch :)


We've had lots of fun visitors over the past few weeks... I haven't remembered to take pictures of all of them, but here are some...

Kristen & McClain

 Some of my Samford Friends came into town for Lauren & Bryan's wedding so they came to hang out and eat dinner on the Thursday before the wedding! Which one will be next on the baby train? Never can tell! ha! :)
(Lane, Christin, Andrea & Nicki)

Matt's cousin Katie and her 3 sweet girls were driving through town on the way home from vacation so they stopped in-- this is Katie's oldest Aubrey holding Houston! They need to come visit every day! Right after they left, the dogs fell asleep AND Houston had a great night with a 5.5 hour stretch of sleep- woohoo!

 Matt's Parents came for another visit.. this is the only picture we took! They'll be back next weekend with Matt's sister, Sarah & Drew. Hopefully I'll remember to take more pictures then!

Friday, October 12, 2012

First Month Memories...

Family Neighborhood Walks

We've been dealing with a reflux issue... so for several days, I saw a lot of this 1st picture... lots of tears and sad faces (for both me AND Houston!!) But, now that we are on some good medicine, I'm seeing a lot more of the second picture (Hallelujah!!)

 He's officially on our insurance and his birth certificate and Social Security Card are in- he's a legit citizen! Please excuse my disheveled hair. It's basically been in a ponytail for a month- I just realized how long it's gotten and we are taking care of this little issue next Wednesday! :)

 We haven't gone TOO many places this month, but I have to smile every time I see him in his little mirror- he's just so darn cute!

 This was Matt feeding him his 1st bottle on week 3

The weekend after Houston was born, my dad participated in the World Championship Olympic Distance Triathalon in Las Vegas... we had to do a comparison with Papa's medal to remember how tiny he is!!

Adorable yawn!

 He's watched a few Tennesee games at Mimi & Papa's house (well, we watched, Houston mostly dozed)

1st Bath! A little skeptical at first, but he warmed up to it

Other than that, we've just been working on some Chub. He was born at 7 lbs, 13 oz and at our latest check-up for the reflux issue, he was 9 lbs, 10 oz!  Our 2 month appointment is on Halloween so we will check in again then!

"1sts in the 1st Week"

So, I've taken an unbelivable amount of pictures over the past month, so I will spare you looking through all of them and just hit some highlights. Here are some of the "Firsts" of  Houstons 1st week of life....

Matt changes his 1st diaper ever

Matt's parents meet their 1st grandchild!

 Houston's 1st look at Mimi

 His 1st chat with Papa

 1st Family Photo

 1st Car Ride

 Sadie is the 1st cousin to meet Houston

Houston coming home for the 1st time

Watching his 1st Clemson game with Daddy

1st Doctor's Appointment

 1st Paci