Thursday, October 25, 2012

A Surprise, A Smile and some Sleeping

On Monday, my former team at Dave Ramsey celebrated the fact that our leader, Heath, had been with the company for 10 years.  They invited Houston and I to come celebrate with them! It was a surprise for Heath, so we had to get there early and hide in the dark for the surprise. I put us near the door just in case while people were speaking during the "program" we could sneak out if Houston started to get loud. I didn't think about the fact that we'd be closest to the door for the surprise and that in order to surprise Heath, we'd have to be QUIET in the dark until he came in.  When he arrived, they yelled to the room that he was coming and shut off the lights. About 30-ish people were standing quietly waiting for Heath and Houston decides that's the perfect time to start grunting!!  I tried to shove the paci further into his mouth and luckily he didn't cry (or get louder) and ruin the surprise. He pretty much slept for the rest of the party. A few girls passed him around at the end-- here he is hanging out with Ashlye (aka newly engaged/aka future Mrs. Underwood).

Houston is thinking "Give me a buddy to play with!!"
(but not until after next October!)

 I  ALMOST captured a full-blown smile...
I will keep working on this.
For now, this is a pretty good smirk though!

This week we have been working on established nap times. Previously we have been on a 3-hour feeding schedule and then he just hangs out with us in between. And, this means, mostly his naps have been in someone's arms. I wanted to go ahead and work on him napping alone sometimes so we don't create a bad habit that is hard to break in a few months!  The first time we put him in his nursery to nap I pretty much stared at the baby monitor the whole time. I know that's overkill, but I just wanted to make sure he didn't need me! ha! We've been staying consitant this week and he's doing pretty well. I'll feed him and then we'll play for a little while. Once he starts to yawn or get fussy, I'll swaddle him and take him in the nursery to rock. I'll rock him until he's mostly asleep then lay him down. At this point, he's doing pretty well to lay there and fall asleep... I usually have to pop the paci back in his mouth a few times before he konks out... but I'm so proud! He's usually taking 3 naps in his nursey per day. Over-all I think with a more established schedule he's happier... less fussy and seems better rested. Especially at night time, he used to be kind of fussy and it was ALWAYS right when we were trying to eat dinner. Now, he's usually finishing up his last nap around 5 or so and is either alert and happy when we are eating... or dozing! Also since we've started this schedule, he seems to be sleeping better at night. It doesn't take as long to settle him down and he's sleeping for longer stretches. Last night his first stretch was actually a little over 5.5 hours! So proud of my lil' man! :)
Me watching him in the monitor during his first nap....

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